Thousands Rally in Denver Calling for Trump to Release Tax Returns

Several thousand people gathered in Civic Center Park in downtown Denver on Saturday April 15th, demanding that Donald Trump release his tax returns. Protesters heard speeches and then marched along a mile-long route downtown.  The Denverite reports that the protest was the largest in Denver since the Women’s March in January.

The crowd heard from speakers which ranged from local activists to state legislators. One of the youngest to address the thousands in Denver was Tay Anderson, a senior at Manual High School.

Anderson made a direct appeal to young people in the crowd “Young people who came out today, we are going to  have to remember that the change of the status quo which is not serving many of us, will not happen over night. Rather change occurs bit by bit when new voices are heard and those voices are our voices.”

Anderson has just announced his candidacy in the upcoming Denver Public School Board election, for the District 4 seat, and is the youngest candidate ever to run for the school board. He has served as the State Chairman of the Colorado High School Democrats of America and is formerly homeless.

While addressing Saturday’s crowd, Anderson urged people to get out and vote. “We must not allow race, gender, socio-economic status to hinder our ability to go out here and change the world.”

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    Thousands Rally in Denver Calling for Trump to Release Tax Returns KGNU News


About 200 people marched in downtown Colorado Springs on Saturday protesting Trump’s failure to disclose his returns.  One those who spoke to the Colorado Springs Gazette wondering what Trump was hiding and saying that people need answers especially with this administration. The Colorado actions were just two of countless ones that happened in cities and towns around the country.

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