From April 5-7th, students from all around Colorado gathered for the state competition of SkillsUSA, an organization promoting trade skills in the youth of America.
Snap-on Tools, sponsor of SkillsUSA, provided prizes for the winning individuals in the automotive competitions. We spoke with Gregory Rintala, National Sales Manager of Education for Snap-on. For this section, we focused on the general use of technology in the automotive industry and how cars are projected to change in the future. With the rise of such components as self driving cars, the near future of the automotive industry is riddled with unparalleled commercial technological growth. Cars on the road today have more advanced systems than the first space shuttles. Join us next week for more conversation with Mr. Rintala, who discusses technology in tools and their impact on the automotive industry.
TechTalks: Tech in Automobiles kgnu
Host: Megan Little, Sr, Niwot High School.
With guest Gregory Rintala, National Sales Manager of Education for Snap-on Tools.
Tech Talks airs Friday mornings on KGNU at 8.25am. It is produced by students at the Innovation Center in Longmont’s St. Vrain Valley School District.