Tech Talks: Street Talk

Street talk is about students asking the everyday public questions relating to the ever present issue of technology evolving to the next generation. Hannah Schineller, Liliana Arredondo, Samuel Narvaez, and Steven Lamp went to the local Starbucks and other surrounding restaurants to question the public.

It was surprising to learn that many people’s inventions were not out of this world but more relevant to a common issue. This may insinuate that technology develops faster or more productively on a need basis or in the face of diversity.

 Many people that we talked to were suddenly off put by the fact that we were asking for a few minutes of their time, but most humored us and they started to think introspectively. Technology is not only a need base situation but also a reflection of who we are as people, and what we want out of each life that we get.

Student Designer Hosts: Steven Lamp, Samuel Narvaez, Liliana Arredondo, Hannah Schineller.

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