Tasting the bounty of Boulder’s Growing Gardens

Photo courtesy of Carly Silberman from Growing Gardens.

Freshly picked strawberries and fava beans were on the menu July 6 for Kitchen Table Talk, KGNU’s monthly one-hour call-in show. Hosts John Lehndorff of Radio Nibbles and chef Dan Asher of Boulder River & Woods and Ash’Kara welcomed guests Arik Markus of Herb’n Pantry and Carly Silberman of Boulder’s Growing Gardens. Their topics included what is fresh on local farms (and how to serve it), and farm-learning opportunities for kids.


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    Tasting the bounty of Boulder’s Growing Gardens Por Jaijongkit

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    Tasting the bounty of Boulder’s Growing Gardens Por Jaijongkit

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Por Jaijongkit



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