Superior Wins Fracking Battle

Residents in Superior have successfully organized to block a proposed fracking operation directly on the community’s border. The proposal was for a spacing plan for wells on a 2,560-acre site that would allow for drilling up to 31 wells on land near the former Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant. Mayor Clint Folsom told a recent packed public meeting on November 12th that “we are unified in our opposition to this.”


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    Superior Wins Fracking Battle KGNU News


Permits for the proposed drilling site were filed with the COGCC by Highland Natural Resources, registered in the United Kingdom. The day after that public meeting Highland pulled their application for all sites except one. It withdrew that permit application later in the week.

Clint Folsom, Mayor of Superior joins Miriam Schiff on KGNU to talk about the fight to block fracking and how they must remain vigilante over future drilling applications.

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    Superior Wins Fracking Battle KGNU News

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