Spotlight: The Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal

In 2002 the Spotlight team at the Boston Globe uncovered the sexual abuse of children by catholic priests and the cover up by the church. Michael Rezendes was one of the Spotlight journalists who won the Pulitzer prize for the series.


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    Spotlight: The Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal KGNU News


The story hit the headlines again in 2015 when the Oscar winning film Spotlight  showed the investigative work done by the team at the Boston Globe. Michael Rezendes was played by Mark Ruffalo in the film. Rezendes will speak about his work on the Spotlight team at a benefit for the Jaipur Literature Festival in Colorado 2019 on Thursday June 13 from 6-9pm at 1810 Hillside Rd. Boulder, CO 80302 (note venue change.) Tickets Online: $100, $120 at the door. Find out more and get tickets here.




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