Shadows of Liberty

“What they tell us is half truths and lies and deception.”

Shadows of Liberty is a new documentary that looks at corporate influence over news media. KGNU’s Maeve Conran spoke with filmmaker Jean-Philippe Tremblay about the film’s journey through the darker corridors of the American media landscape, where global conglomerates call the shots. Tremblay says that for decades, their overwhelming influence has distorted news journalism and compromised its values. Tremblay identifies the big 5 media corporations: Time Warner, Disney, General Electric, Viacom and New Corporation “and these 5 corporations along with some others act like a cartel.”

Tremblay says that the public must become more media literate and be aware of the media they consume “we have to really question everything we see read and hear and we have to change the way we consume media, not just news but entertainment as well.”

Shadows of Liberty features renowned journalists, activists and academics like Amy Goodman, David Simon, Daniel Ellsberg, Norman Solomon, Janine Jackson, Dick Gregory, Roberta Baskin, Deepa Kumar, Jeff Cohen, Robert McChesney, John Nichols, Chris Hedges, Kristina Borjesson, and many more.

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Shadows of Liberty will be screened On Friday October 9th, at 7:00 PM in the Denver Post Auditorium (101 West Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO 80202-5315), sponsored by Colorado Common Cause, the Denver Area Labor Federation, the Denver Newspaper Guild, DocFactory, Drinking Liberally, Free Speech TV, KGNU Community Radio, Metro Denver Move to Amend, the Open Media Foundation, and Progress Now Colorado.



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