Sacred Lines: Oprah Winfrey…Cultural Icon?

“There is something rather religious about Oprah Winfrey.”

Sacred Lines, a collaboration between KGNU community radio and The University of Colorado’s Center for Media Religion and Culture explores the complex intersections of religion and the media. This episode embarks on an exploration of the way icons are created through the media, and what it means to be an icon by examining the life of Oprah Winfrey through her most prominent media moments. In this installment we spoke to Dr. Kathryn Lofton, professor at Yale University and Dr. Janice Peck, professor at the University of Colorado Boulder. Dr. Lofton notes that “there is something rather religious about Oprah Winfrey.” This episode examines her life, her influence, our consumerism, and our relationships to her as she re-injects us with our own anxiety.

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