Reveal: Split down the middle

By Julia B. Chan, Reveal

As Donald Trump assumes leadership of a divided nation, Reveal heads to Jacksonville, Florida, one of the most divided cities in America. Image: Anna Vignet for Reveal

Trump has promised to make some big changes during his first 100 days in office. He’s talked about tackling issues such as immigration, education and law enforcement. And while some people can’t wait for these changes to happen, others dread them. In this show, you’ll hear voices from both sides, and we’ll revisit these people in the coming months as the administration’s plans unfold.

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Jacksonville is our host Al Letson’s hometown, and the people there are pretty much split down the middle on politics. On Election Day, the vote was almost 50-50. Jacksonville considers itself part of the conservative Bible Belt, but many progressives also live there, and there’s a growing LGBT population and arts community.

On this hour of Reveal, we look at policing, immigration, education and other issues through the eyes of people with very different perspectives and find that residents here are not on the same page.

Reveal is a weekly radio program produced by The Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX. For more, check out our website and subscribe to our podcast.




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