Radio Bookclub – Danya Kukafka and “Girl In Snow”

The August selection for the radio bookclub is Danya Kukafka’s latest book Girl in Snow.

When a beloved high schooler named Lucinda Hayes is found murdered, no one in her sleepy Colorado suburb is untouched—not the boy who loved her too much; not the girl who wanted her perfect life; not the officer assigned to investigate her murder. In the aftermath of the tragedy, these three indelible characters—Cameron, Jade, and Russ—must each confront their darkest secrets in an effort to find solace, the truth, or both.

Danya Kukafka spoke about Girl in Snow on the bookclub Thursday August 24th.

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    Radio Bookclub – Danya Kukafka and “Girl In Snow” kgnu


Afterhours at the Bookclub – Hear more of the conversation with Danya Kukafka.

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    Radio Bookclub – Danya Kukafka and “Girl In Snow” kgnu


The radio bookclub is a collaboration between KGNU and the Boulder Bookstore and every month Arsen Kashkashian, head buyer at the Boulder Bookstore, selects a book to inspire listeners to read along together. The author will then join us in-studio for a discussion.

Subscribe to our Radio Book Club Series on iTunes to get new editions and special additional web-only features automatically.

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