The November selection for the Radio Bookclub is The Glass Forest by local author Cynthia Swanson which tells the story of three women whose lives are interconnected in different ways.
We first meet Angie Glass who is living an idyllic life in her Wisconsin hometown at 1960. She is a new mom of 21 years of age who is married to charming and handsome Paul.
Her life changes when she gets a phone call from Paul’s 17 year old niece Ruby who reports that her father, Henry, has committed suicide, and that her mother, Silja, is missing.
Radio Bookclub: Cynthia Swanson – The Glass Forest kgnu
Hear more of the conversation on our Afterhours edition.
The Radio Bookclub is a collaboration between KGNU and the Boulder Bookstore. Every month Arsen Kashkashian, head buyer at the Boulder Bookstore, selects a book to inspire listeners to read along together. The author will then join us in-studio for a discussion which we broadcast on the 4th Thursday of every month at 9am.
Subscribe to our Radio Book Club Series on iTunes to get new editions and web-only content.