Prop 131 could change how elections are conducted in Colorado. Hear from both sides

Photo Courtesy of Rocky Mountain Community Radio.

In this year’s election, Colorado voters are deciding on 14 statewide ballot measures, including Proposition 131, which could potentially change how elections are conducted in the state.

If approved, Colorado would adopt an all-candidate primary system with ranked-choice voting for general elections.

Rocky Mountain Community Radio hosted a debate on the measure featuring Andrea Wilkins, legislative liaison with the League of Women Voters in Colorado, who spoke in favor of Proposition 131, and Aly Belknap, Executive Director of Colorado Common Cause, who spoke against Proposition 131.

The debate and live call-in show was hosted by Brody Wilson and Lisa Young of KVNF and originally broadcast live on Sept. 26 on KVNF, KSUT, KBUT, and KDNK. The show is a collaboration between Rocky Mountain Community Radio stations and Above the Noise, a project of Rocky Mountain Public Media.


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    Prop 131 could change how elections are conducted in Colorado. Hear from both sides Jackie Sedley

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Jackie Sedley


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