Barbara Coloroso is an internationally renowned anti-bullying expert. She speaks around the world on nonviolent conflict resolution and restorative justice in countries that have experienced war. This Thursday evening, February 7th, she’ll talk about bullying at Platt Middle School in Boulder at an event organized by the parent Engagement Network.
Parenting with Wit and Wisdom – Stopping Bullying KGNU News
“It’s a short walk from hateful rhetoric to hate crimes…We need to look at the very beginning – the hateful rhetoric. When I dehumanize another human being, making them into an ‘it’, whether it’s a seven-year-old, a 17-year-old, or a 70-year-old, once I make you into an ‘it’, where you are less than I am… then I can do anything for you and not feel any compassion.”
Coloroso teaches parents steps to distill compassion in their children by helping them think ethically on their own. To do that, Colorosa says there are three main steps: giving them ways to care deeply; curbing their inclination to hoard or harm; and stopping anything that fuels hatred.
“Three agents are ripping apart the fabrics of our humanity: hating other human beings with other content – making them the other; hoarding: – me, mine, and more, instead of us, ours, and enough; and harming through lying and cheating and stealing. The antidotes to that are to teach our children to care more deeply, share more generously, and help more willingly.”
Barbara Coloroso will speak at Platt Middle School in Boulder on Thursday February 7th. You can find out more about that event at
And you can find out more about the work of Barbara Coloroso at
6:00 – 6:30pm Meet and Greet with book signing
6:30 – 8:00 pm Presentation
8:00 – 8:30 Book Signing