Outsources: The Queer Pulpit: A Conversation with Reagan Humber

It will be a surprise to no one that queer people sometimes find themselves in difficult positions when it comes to religion, Christianity included.

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    Outsources: The Queer Pulpit: A Conversation with Reagan Humber kgnu


The radical inclusivity that Jesus of Nazareth preached is selectively ignored or subject to numerous caveats in modern day churches. Individual churches and entire denominations remain hostile or at best lukewarm to the presence of queer folks in the pews. Queer Christians can take an ongoing rhetorical beating from ministers and fellow laypeople alike.

Join Producer/Host Angela Palermo for an interview with Reagan Humber to discuss these topics and more. Reagan is an “out” gay Episcopal priest who is serving as Pastor of House for All Sinners and Saints (or HFASS), a Denver area Lutheran congregation.

Reagan came to HFASS from San Francisco’s St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church in March 2015. He moved to Denver with his partner Brian and their dog Ogre, who must be absolutely ferocious with a name like that!

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