New Studies Link Marijuana Use To Increased Cancer Risk But Fewer Heart Attack Deaths

While one new study shows heavy cannabis use increases risk of throat and head cancers another recently published study found evidence of a ‘cannabis paradox’ related to heart health and death from heart attacks.

A new study published August 8th in the journal JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery found marijuana use more than triples odds for head neck cancer. The study looked at the medical records of over 4 million adults in the United states over two decades.

In another newly published study from the journal Archives of Medical Science – Atherosclerotic Diseases, researchers uncovered a ‘cannabis paradox’ when it comes to marijuana’s impact on heart health. After looking at nearly twenty years of hospital discharge documents that the authors say “represents more than 97% of the US population,” it appears while cannabis use may be associated with heart issues, those who suffer heart attacks are less likely to die in the hospital and more likely to see improved recovery than those who have not used cannabis.

The Cannabis Report – August 14th, 2024


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    New Studies Link Marijuana Use To Increased Cancer Risk But Fewer Heart Attack Deaths Hannah Leigh

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In local marijuana news, a new rule will allow Colorado dispensaries to sell non-infused items for consumption, such as snacks and soft drinks (but not tobacco), and also allows the MED to track marijuana production without individual tags for each plant— a rule viewed as unnecessary, expensive and wasteful by growers —among other changes.

Additionally, to make up for the loss of revenue, dispensary owners have objected to a licensing fee increase that would more than double fees for running a cannabis store. Business owners were sent a letter August 2nd that outlined the changes. They
were expecting a change, but not this much.

This year’s fee increases were adopted under emergency status and are intended to streamline cannabis industry operations.

Picture of Hannah Leigh

Hannah Leigh

Hannah Leigh has been a volunteer and staff reporter, host, and digital producer for KGNU since 2012. She's also a professional podcast producer and freelance reporter.

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