Studio Session: Trace & Baerd

KGNU DJ Dave McIntrye joins hometown duo Trace & Baerd to discuss some of their music and debut album Elevation. They also talk about their upcoming performance at Luther Strings in Denver on February 8th, inspiration for some of their songs and their intimate, two-person setup. (Interview date: 1/3/2025)


Dave McIntrye: And what do you call yourselves? Trace & Baerd? Did I see that?

Trace & Baerd: That’s right, Trace & Baerd. He’s Trace, I’m Baerd, so that makes it easy. 

Dave McIntrye: Yeah, there you go. Easy to remember, huh? Are you guys from Boulder or moved to Boulder or always been here or?

Trace & Baerd: We’re from here. Hometown heroes. 

Dave McIntrye: Alright, great. And tell me about the Everything Bagel? 

Trace & Baerd: The Everything Bagel? Oh, I don’t know, do you have a particular position on Everything Bagels? No, they’re good. I’m not anti Everything Bagel. I guess we got one at Moe’s Bagel. Moe’s Bagel is a great place to get those. 

Dave McIntrye: Yeah. I see. I saw something on the website and I went, what is that? And your record unfortunately we don’t have to play today, but listen for it. It’s produced by Brittany Haas. From the name of the band, I can’t remember, but a fabulous fiddle player on her own. And these are all instrumentals on the CD, is that correct? 

Trace & Baerd: Yeah, that’s right. 

Dave McIntrye: And are they original as well? 

Trace & Baerd: That’s right, yeah, original instrumental. 

Dave McIntrye: Great, alright. You got something you’re gonna play for us? 

Trace & Baerd: Yes sir, yeah, we got the album right here. 

Dave McIntrye: In your heads and in your hands. What’s the name of this tune?

Trace & Baerd: This tune is the second to last track on the album. It’s called Maybe She Likes Me. It’s based on a true story. 

Dave McIntrye: It’s Trace & Baerd.

[Trace & Beard play Maybe She Likes Me]

Dave McIntrye: Right, very nice. Yeah. What was that called? 

Trace & Baerd: That track is called Maybe She Likes Me. It’s the second to last track on our debut album, Elevation

Dave McIntrye: All right, great. And where in the area can the people go hear you live? 

Trace & Baerd: Our next currently booked show is on Saturday, February 8th at Luther Strings, which is a fantastic instrument shop in Denver. And you can find information about that show on Luther String’s website and go reserve your ticket there.  Yeah, it’s a cool listening room type space, so that’s going to be really fun. If you do want to come, super limited tickets. 

Dave McIntrye: Get in early. Alright. And basically, do you always perform just the two of you? 

Trace & Baerd: Yeah. With the exception of two tracks on the album where we did have Brittany Haas, our producer. She also played on a few of those tracks. But otherwise that’s pretty much it. That’s the only other time we’ve had anybody on our music. Otherwise it’s just him and me. 

Dave McIntrye: Great. 

Trace & Baerd: Two friends, two instruments, that’s all you need. 

Dave McIntrye: There you go. What else you got for us? 

Trace & Baerd: We’ve got, I was driving in today and I was reminded of a song we wrote on a day that was very much, exactly like this kind of weather, where you get that cool cloud inversion situation. And so we have a tune called The Cloud Under The Mountain. Which I always just, I think is cool, when you have a song and you hear it in your head, and you’re like, oh, that works out. 

Dave McIntrye: Heck yeah. Alright, Cloud on the Mountain.

[Trace & Baerd play Clound on the Mountain]

Dave McIntrye: I like that one. That’s really pretty. 

Trace & Baerd: Thank you. Thank you. 

Dave McIntrye: We have time for one more. What do you think? Got another one for us.

Trace & Baerd: Yeah. I think we’ve got one more. Would you wanna do Azimuth? Yeah, let’s do Azimuth. So this is the opener to the album. So fun to close with an opener.

[Trace & Baerd play Azimuth]

Dave McIntrye: That’s nice. That’s real nice. Thank you guys. I appreciate you coming in today, bringing your music. 

Trace & Baerd: Happy to do it. Thanks for having us. 

Dave McIntrye: Trace & Baerd. And again, They’re going to be down in Denver in February, what place? 

Trace & Baerd: Saturday, February 8th, 4:30pm at Luther Strings. 

Dave McIntrye: Great. Go on down to see them. Some very pleasant music. I enjoyed it. Thanks guys. Thanks for coming by. 

Trace & Baerd: Thanks to you and KGNU.

Picture of Evanie Gamble

Evanie Gamble


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