KGNU + RockyGrass Live Broadcast and Stream

Our instruments are all tuned up for our annual live broadcast and stream from the 2023 RockyGrass festival at Planet Bluegrass in Lyons, CO!

We’re looking forward to sharing great live music from internationally renowned bluegrass artists and chatting with musicians, festivarians, and the folks who help make RockyGrass possible.

The non-stop RockyGrass stream will be available starting the morning of Friday July 28th, and during set breaks we’ll feature interviews and highlights from the festival. The stream will go live on Friday, July 28th at 10:30am.

Listen on, on the KGNU Mobile App, or check this space when the festival starts for a stream link.

Appreciate what you’re hearing? Leave something in our Tip Jar!

2023 Broadcast + Streaming Schedule:

Date On Air Streaming
Friday, July 28 11:00am – 12pm, 5:00-11:00pm 11:00am – End
Saturday, July 29 9:00am – 1pm, 5:30pm-11:00pm 9:00am – End
Sunday, July 30 9:30am – 7pm 9:30am – End


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About the RockyGrass Live Broadcast and Stream

KGNU has been broadcasting live from RockyGrass every year since 2008.

If you’re new to us, you’ll likely be interested in our weekly Bluegrass show, Old Grass Gnu Grass. It’s a Colorado tradition that hits our airwaves Saturday mornings on KGNU from 9:00a-Noon (MT) since 1978.

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