Morning Magazine Podcast – Thursday, September 15, 2022

In today’s Morning Magazine, today representatives of four organizations behind the largest-ever poll of Latino voters in Colorado presented their findings yesterday on the State Capitol steps. This time on the Cannabis Report, we’ll hear about the end of a Denver citizen’s initiative that would have taxed consumer marijuana for children’s programs and the results of a new study casting doubt on the “lazy stoner” stereotype. Then, John Lehndorff will be in to catch us up on local food news with Radio Nibbles.


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    Morning Magazine Podcast – Thursday, September 15, 2022 Luis Licon

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The Morning Magazine features local news headlines, stories, and features and broadcasts on KGNU Monday through Friday, 8.04-8.30 AM. Theme music is by Podington Bear. [mag-podcast]

Picture of Luis Licon

Luis Licon

Dedicated student, passionate about government relations and social issues. Currently an Intern at KGNU Community Radio as a Bilingual Reporter attending the University of Colorado Boulder.

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