Following Crossing Borders, a public art show featuring an exploration of the limitless definitions of the term “border” by a group of 15 diverse artists, curated and organized by Athena Project and PINKPROGRESSION, on Thursday, October 19th is Artful Reflections, where artists and non-artists are welcome to come reflect about the artwork from the show. Register here to join the conversation and connect with the artists!
What: Artful Reflections
When: October 19: 6:30-8:30pm
Where: 40 West Arts Gallery at 6501 W. Colfax Ave, Lakewood CO 80214
Designed to uplift women artists, Artful Reflections is an opportunity to connect artists with each other and their communities. This monthly event, open to artists and nonartists, invites reflection about the art work. Through the participants’ experience of the art and the moderated conversations that follow, connection and community are strengthened.
Taking place at a gallery (owned or curated by women artists), participants let the art in to increase understanding of themselves and others. Featured women artists are invited to listen to the impact of their art. Join us for our next session as part of the Crossing Borders Art Show.