Jury Tampering Charges Dropped; Accused Respond

In July Eric Brandt and Mark Iannicelli were arrested outside of the Lindsey-Flanigan courthouse as they were distributing literature.  The material was created by the Fully Informed Jury Association, a collective of attorneys who work to educate juries about their rights.  The two were charged with seven felony counts of jury tampering.

Since then, there have been various rulings throughout the metro area regarding similar incidents but on Wednesday all charges were dropped in district court.  The two are pursuing litigation for protection of their First Amendment rights to distribute the literature.

Additional coverage can be seen here and here.

Eric Brandt talked to KGNU on December 19,2015

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    Jury Tampering Charges Dropped; Accused Respond Early Morning News



eric brandt
Eric Brandt attends the Billion People March Against Climate Agreement action at the state Capitol on December 19, 2015.











Mark Iannicelli spoke to KGNU on December 23 2015

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    Jury Tampering Charges Dropped; Accused Respond Early Morning News

Mark Iannicelli (right) continues to distribute jury nullification material outside of Lindsey-Flanigan Courthouse on December 23, 2015.



Picture of Early Morning News

Early Morning News



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