“In the Upper Room” Explores Loyalty, Spirituality and Colorism in New Dark Comedy at the DCPA

The Denver Center for the Performing Arts Kilstrom Theatre has premiered a new dramatic dark comedy, called In the Upper Room. Based on the real family history of playwright and novelist Beaufield Berry, In the Upper room explores the lives of the Berrys, a multi-generational black family living under one roof in the 1970s, orbiting around Rose, the strong-willed and eccentric matriarch of the family.

In the Upper Room plays at the Kilstrom Theater February 11 – March 13, 2022.

KGNU’s donnie betts spoke to Sydney Cole Alexander who plays Janet Berry, and Chavez Ravine, who plays Rose Berry.

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    “In the Upper Room” Explores Loyalty, Spirituality and Colorism in New Dark Comedy at the DCPA Veronica Straight-Lingo

Picture of Veronica Straight-Lingo

Veronica Straight-Lingo


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