“I’m most passionate about getting young people in the door and particularly young girls, or under-served communities, and young kids in those communities, who might not be able to have a role model as an engineer in their life.”-Avery Bang, Executive Director of Bridges to Prosperity.
Three years ago, Avery Bang, who earned her Master’s degree in geotechnical engineering at the University of Colorado, received a call about being in a documentary about engineering. While she was surprised at first, Bang was excited to lend her story to the film, which aims to get all types of kids excited about engineering and science.
“Bridges to Prosperity is pretty focused on helping connect rural communities all over the world.”
As the executive director of Bridges to Prosperity, Avery Bang travels around the world building literal bridges between communities. Bang and her organization, Bridges to Prosperity, are featured in the film, Dream Big, as one of the many examples of how engineering shapes the world.
Hometown Hero Avery Bang Featured in New Documentary KGNU News
Dream Big is now showing at the IMAX Theater in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.