Hemispheres: Musimbi Offers Isirika

Dr. Musimbi Kanyoro is an activist for women and girls’ health and human rights, and passionate about using philanthropy and technology to drive social change.

Born in Kenya, Musimbi traces her passion for human rights, peace, and justice to her Quaker family and community.

Musimbi is one of 10 children – every daughter given the same educational opportunities as the sons. “I want the same for every girl and woman, no exceptions.” 

She chats with host Nikki Kayser about “isirika”, a word in her native Maragoli which means “equal generosity” or “caring for one another, together.”

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    Hemispheres: Musimbi Offers Isirika kgnu



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    Hemispheres: Musimbi Offers Isirika kgnu




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