President Morales lobbied for and won legislation for a road through the Isiboro Secure National Park. A road could open up development of mono-agriculture, logging, and the mining of copper, gold, silver and lithium. Is it also beneficial to the indigenous people as Evo claims? Host Nikki Kayser speaks with three guests.
Professor Kevin Healy has taught courses on indigenous movements in Latin America and also on drug trafficking in the Americas. He has authored two books involving indigenous-related topics in Bolivia. Healy also has published on socio-economic development, drug trafficking, indigenous movements and grassroots developments. He managed grants in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Honduras supporting indigenous peoples struggles for rights and resources.
Hemispheres: Development in the Amazon, the Tipnis National Park of Bolivia kgnu
Ely Lopez of Quechua decent Tells of the roads and river travel in Tipnis, and the needs and sovereignty of the people living there.
Hemispheres: Development in the Amazon, the Tipnis National Park of Bolivia kgnu
Claudia Soliz Castro is a graduate student from the highlands of Bolivia.
Hemispheres: Development in the Amazon, the Tipnis National Park of Bolivia kgnu