Generational Food: 4th Annual Food Forward Summit

“It’s about re-tapping into my own history, and generations, and how we did food.”  -Hana Dansky, Co-Founder of Boulder Food Rescue.

There will be a focus on rediscovering the connection people have to their food at The 4th Annual Food Forward Summit in Denver on April 1st. Maeve Conran speaks with Hana Dansky about the summit and the lack of knowledge modern people have about how they get their food.

“A lot of people actually, these days, don’t actually know anything about their food system…I would almost say there’s like a lack of knowledge…our stories have gotten lost.”

Dansky discusses this food-knowledge disconnect in regards to the type of food people eat, who has access to nutritional foods, the history of food, and how that interconnects the people. The summit will focus on how everyone has personal stories connected to food and how Americans view food through the narratives they have been given.

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    Generational Food: 4th Annual Food Forward Summit KGNU News


The 4th Annual Forward Food Summit will take place at Mercury Cafe (2199 California Street, Denver) on April 1st, 2017. Tickets are $35 for General Admission, with scholarships available at pay-what-you-can rates. Go to the Facebook Event page for more information or Boulder Food Rescue to buy tickets. All proceeds benefit community food non-profit organizations.


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    Generational Food: 4th Annual Food Forward Summit KGNU News




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