This year sees the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Environmental groups around the world were planning events to mark the anniversary and to highlight the ongoing struggles to protect the environment, particularly in the light of the climate crisis.
The COVD-19 pandemic has forced the events to move online and environmental activists say this is a time to double down on efforts to protect the environment. In Colorado, youth environmental leaders are organizing a series of events online this week.
Listen to the story below:
Earth Week Events Move Online in Midst of Pandemic KGNU News
There will be a national livestream happening all-day April 22rd-24th and there will be Colorado groups, organized by 350 Colorado, live streaming between 10 and 11am MST and 5-6pm MST on those days also.
KGNU spoke with three environmental leaders in advance of the online events:

• Jeeva Senthilnathan, an 18 year old Indian American, and Colorado High School Democrat State Officer. She is co-chapter lead from the USA Youth Climate Strike and works heavily with 350 Colorado for the climate strikes in Denver. Jeeva is on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
• Esperanza Soledad Garcia, an 18-year-old student from Denver. She is Genizaro and Xicano and her parents come from Northern New Mexico. She is studying architecture and is part of the Earth Guardians Youth Council and IIYC Denver. You can find Esperanza on Instagram.
• Liliana Flanigan, Community Organizer with West Slope Youth Vote and Grand Valley Students United.
They’re all working with 350 Colorado on creating online forums and events for Earth Week.
The Colorado Climate Strike coalition will host daily local events through Earth Day Live that are free and open to the public 10:00-11:00 a.m. & 5:00-6:00 p.m. April 22-24.
April 22 — STRIKE: The 50th anniversary of Earth Day is about demonstrating collective power in the face of today’s multiple crises. There will be performances, conversations, training sessions, and more. RSVP Here Colorado’s climate strike.
April 23 — DIVEST: The world’s largest banks have pumped $1.9 trillion into fossil fuels since the 2015 Paris Agreement. We can’t let fossil fuel companies use the pandemic to loot trillions more when people need relief so desperately. Led by the Stop the Money Pipeline Coalition, April 23rd focuses on the role of money in driving the climate crisis. RSVP here for Colorado’s DIVEST livestreams.
April 24 — VOTE: We need leaders who will address the existential threat of climate change, and for this to happen, we need people to show up at the polls. Led by the US Youth Strike Coalition, April 24th will focus on voter registration and feature a digital, relational voter registration challenge to see which region of the country can register the most voters. RSVP here for Colorado’s VOTE livestreams.
Find a list of Colorado Earth Week events here.
Livestreams will be broadcasted on @350Colorado & @COClimateStrike Facebook pages
Find the full list of global and local earth week events online at