Denver March for Science –

“Generally speaking there are concerns about the funding for science, the understanding of science and the support for science from our political leaders at this time.”

Saturday, April 22nd is Earth Day, it’s also the day of the March for Science. Marches will be happening in Washington DC and in cities around the country, including here in Colorado. Kevin Hennegan, the co- lead for the outreach, diversity and inclusion committee for the March for Science Denver, says it’s a political event and a movement created to defend the vital role science plays in our health, safety, economies and governments. “Our goal for this march is to draw attention to the role that science plays in Colorado, both in terms of economics as well as service to the public, and to advocate for public investment in scientific research and evidence based policy making.”

Much of the focus has been on the Trump administrations denial of climate change and the proposed cutbacks to climate science funding, but Hennegan says there are many other challenges facing the scientific community.

“Generally speaking there are concerns about the funding for science, the understanding of science and the support for science from our political leaders at this time. I think the best example that I can point to of that would be the proposals for cuts in funding to the EPA which of course ties into climate science but is broader than just climate and to the National Institute of Health, both of which have a very heavy scientific focus, those types of cuts to either one of those organizations would have severe consequences , both for government’s role in looking into environmental protection concerns, furthering public health, as well as downstream effects on economic, public health and safety.”

The March for Science Denver begins in Civic Center Park in the Greek amphitheater at 10 a.m. Saturday. The route through downtown will be the same as the Women’s March and return to Civic Center Park for a rally that should conclude by 3 p.m.


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    Denver March for Science – KGNU News


On Saturday April 22nd, KGNU will carry Democracy Now’s coverage of the March for Science in Washington DC, on our 1390 AM signal and online at, from 8 AM-1 PM.

On Monday April 24th, will will present coverage of the same march in Denver, during our Morning Magazine beginning at 8 AM.

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