Colombia Peace Activists in Denver

The Peace Talks involving the government of Colombia and peace and labor activists have been ongoing in Havana Cuba over the past 2 years. Representatives of Colombia’s Marcha Patriótica (Patriotic March) and Lazos de Dignidad (Links of Dignity) are in Denver to talk about the Talks. The Patriotic March is Colombia’s largest Left movement and has been a target of heavy repression, with over 60 of its leaders assassinated in just two years time. Lazos de Dignidad provides legal representation and human rights training for political prisoners and agricultural workers unions. Mark Burton is an attorney in Denver who works with groups to educate the public about the peace process and US involvement in Colombia’s political process. Representatives of the Patriotic March and Links of Dignity will be speaking in Denver Monday November 17th at 7pm ABC/Baerresen Ballroom, Room 320, 900 Auraria Parkway. The evening is being sponsored by Global Justice.


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    Colombia Peace Activists in Denver KGNU News



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