Boulder International Film Festival

The 11th Annual Boulder InternationalFilm Festival (BIFF) opens in Boulder March 5th and includes 51 films from around the world and eight films direct from the Sundance Film Festival.

“We have something for everyone,” said Kathy Beck, Festival Executive Director, “we have panels and workshops, we have a global townhall that will talk about climate action.”


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One of the films being shown during the festival is Metanoia about the life and near death of legendary climber Jeff Lowe. Metanoia’s director Jim Aikman says the film Jeff has been battling an illness similar to ALS which has slowly taken away his mobility. “You can imagine the tragic irony of someone who was so adept at any terrain anywhere in the world, finding them-self more and more unable to explore that terrain.”

The film shows how he overcomes those challenges and his indomitable spirit.  Lowe will attend the US premier of Metanoia on
Saturday March 7 at 5PM about Boulder High.

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