Booktalk: Sarah Vogel’s The Farmer’s Lawyer: The North Dakota Nine and the Fight to Save the Family Farm

The Farmer’s Lawyer by North Dakota attorney and advocate Sarah Vogel is a memoir about her successful landmark class action lawsuit against the federal government.

She did it on behalf of 240,000 family farmers facing illegal foreclosures during the 1980s farm crisis in the President Reagan years.

Sarah Vogel is also the first woman elected Commissioner of Agriculture in the US. She served in that position in North Dakota for two terms and has become one of the foremost agriculture lawyers in the United States.

You might want to tune in to hear Sarah’s answer to “Who is the best friend of the small farmer today?” Maybe you will be as surprised as I was.

Follow the author on @sarahmvogel

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    Booktalk: Sarah Vogel’s The Farmer’s Lawyer: The North Dakota Nine and the Fight to Save the Family Farm KGNU News

Top authors are interviewed on this 10-minute program that captures their words about their books and ideas and often the story behind the story. The show, hosted by Diana Korte and engineered by Gene Korte, has been in production for more than 25 years.

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