Big Effort Underway To Reach Underrepresented Voters

There’s a big effort underway this election cycle to reach underrepresented voters – both with multilingual ballots and with in-person outreach efforts to university students. 

Data shows that young people are among the least likely to turn out in elections. Citizens who feel more proficient in a language other than English also tend to shy away from voting. 

But legislation passed into law last year requires certain counties in Colorado to provide multilingual ballots to improve access to the electoral process. 

Locally, the Boulder County League of Women Voters has been working on getting the word out about access to multilingual ballots while also urging eligible young people to exercise their right to vote. KGNU’s Rossana Longo-Better went to the CU Boulder campus to speak with students about this coming election, and to learn more about the multilingual ballot from Emma Piller, Voter Services Director of the League of Women Voters of Boulder County.


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    Big Effort Underway To Reach Underrepresented Voters Rossana Longo-Better

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Rossana Longo-Better


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