Taking Action: KGNU Series Introducing Peace Activist Banbose Shango

In continuing with our series Taking Action, peace activists talk about what in their early lives led them to where they are today.  In this edition, KGNU talks to Banbose Shango.

We caught up to Shango at the Oak Flat Occupation in Arizona but the first time we met him was at the Tear Down the Walls National Gathering where the picture below was taken.  He also was a participant in the People’s Climate Summit held in conjunction with the COP20 Climate Talks in Lima, Peru.

Shango has been with the All African People’s Revolutionary Party since it was founded in the US at Howard University in 1972, is a co-chair of the National Network on Cuba, and he’s on the board of Alliance for Global Justice.  Here he tells KGNU that he came to the US from Jamaica in 1962 and soon was catapulted into the Civil Rights Movement with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).

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    Taking Action: KGNU Series Introducing Peace Activist Banbose Shango Early Morning News


banbose shango
Banbose Shango (left) sits on the board of Alliance for Global Justice and attends the annual meeting.
banbose shango
Banbose Shango speaks at the Tear Down the Walls National Gathering in November of 2013.
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