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KGNU Broadcast Live On-Air
Monitors the station’s budget. Assists the Station Manager in preparing the annual budget.
Monthly May – September.
The Board
Standing committee per article 7.10 of the bylaws.
The Treasurer of the Board serves as the Chair. The Station Manager and the station’s accountant serve on the committee
To strategically structure, support, and sustain KGNU’s multi-year effort to raise the necessary capital funds to implement KGNU’s vision to expand its primary physical space in Boulder, CO, to establish an environmentally sustainable multicultural community media center and regional media-makers’ space serving the Front Range.
Rebekah Hartman
1st Monday of the month at 4:00pm
The Board
The Station Manager serves on the committee.
Advise the Board as to whether the Station is addressing the specialized educational and cultural needs of the community served by the Station.
Station Manager
Twice a year. Meetings are announced on
The Board
Required by the Public Telecommunications Act of 1978. See article XII of the bylaws.
Organizes KGNU benefit events.
Barbara Stern, Kathy Metzger
1st Wednesday of the month at 6 PM
Implements its own recommendations
Implements policies of the Board, prepares the agenda for all Board meetings, oversees the search for a Station Manager when the position becomes vacant.
Board Chair
Tuesday prior to the Board meeting
Advises the Station Manager on personnel issues.
Standing committee per article 7.10 of the bylaws. The Executive Committee comprises of the officers of the Board and the Station Manager.
Recruits and recommends new Board members, makes recommendations on continuing Board members, and presents a slate of officers at the Annual Meeting..
Bill Hogrewe
3rd Monday of the month at 6:00 PM
Advises the board
Standing committee per article 7.10 of the bylaws.
Reviews KGNU programs in light of the station’s mission and standards. Considers new programs on KGNU. Reviews programs that have received complaints from listeners, staff, or volunteers.
4th Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m
Advises the Music Director, News Director, and Station Manager
Standing committee per article 7.10 of the bylaws.
The Music Director, News Director, and Station Manger serve as non-voting members.
Oversees the implementation of KGNU’s 2019-2023 Strategic Plan
Eric Scace
Quarterly, on the 3rd Tues of Jan, Apr, Jul, and Oct, at 5:00 p.m.
Advises the board
The Station Manager serves on the committee.
Convenes when a request is filed by a volunteer in response to personelle matters.
Rebecca Hartmann, Marge Taniwaki, Elena Klaver
Ad hoc.
Advises the board
Standing committee per article 7.10 of the bylaws.
The CAB submits an annual report to the Board that addresses the following four tasks mandated by the Public Telecommunications Act of 1978:
No recommendations by the CAB are required to be implemented.
Dane Desai
Guillermo Estrada-Rivera
Kimberly Baker Medina
Michal Duffy
Roxy Goss