A Community-Based Research Project Monitor Air Quality Around Suncor


The Suncor oil refinery in Commerce City has been operating for nearly 100 years, encountering relatively little regulatory pushback when it comes to permit renewals and emissions.

But that’s changed recently. The Environmental Protection Agency notified Colorado health department officials that it will formally object to parts of Suncor’s operating permit renewal request.

Air Quality Investigation and Research for Equity – or AIRE – is a year-long community-based research project to bring awareness, education, unity, and action around poor air quality in the neighborhood.

KGNU’s Rossana Longo-Better spoke with Olga Gonzalez, Executive Director of Cultivando, a Latino health equity organization, about the community-based, independent air monitoring effort.


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    A Community-Based Research Project Monitor Air Quality Around Suncor Rossana Longo-Better

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Cultivando will be sharing their findings at a film screening of the documentary, Suncor Sundown.

Picture of Rossana Longo-Better

Rossana Longo-Better


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