Fracking Film “Groundswell Rising: Protecting Our Children’s Air and Water” to be screened in Denver and Boulder

The Unitarian-Universalist Church in Boulder (5001 Pennsylvania Ave) will soon be showing  “Groundswell Rising: Protecting Our Children’s Air and Water“, a new film on fracking issues in communities across America on September 12 at 7 pm. The screening will be followed by a discussion with Mark Lichty, Executive Producer. Mark has been a member of the Pocono UU Fellowship in Pennsylvania for 20 years.

There is also a showing earlier in the week Sept 9 (Tuesday) at 7 pm in Denver, at the First Universalist Church of Denver – 4101 E. Hampden Ave.

This film explores the moral and ethical issues caused by this evidently harmful and largely unregulated fracking industry.  It is a tale of ordinary people who are making a choice to stand up and protect their communities and children’s future.

Emmy Award-winning Resolution Pictures captures the passion and courage of people challenging a system that promotes profit over health. The film shows how mothers, fathers, scientists, doctors, farmers and people from all sides of the political spectrum are taking a hard stand against energy extraction techniques not proven to be safe.

It was shot on location in Colorado, Pennsylvania, New York, and Washington, DC.  Interviewees include Coloradoans such as women from Erie Rising, Shane Davis and Rod Breuski.







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