Extinction Rebellion Hit the Streets of Denver

Extinction Rebellion is a global organization that engages in nonviolent civil disobedience to raise awareness about current issues around the climate crisis. This week events are taking place in cities around the world including Denver. Rick Visser of Extinction Rebellion Denver says the actions target local government, Congress and the for profit media, which so far have not been reporting on the climate crisis.


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    Extinction Rebellion Hit the Streets of Denver KGNU News


Visser says that In the past, marching and rallying has resulted in little to no change for how the climate crisis is being addressed. Because of this, Extinction Rebellion aims to disrupt and go further with their protests than other organizations have in the past.

The first event took place Monday, April 15th at 4:30 pm at the Denver City Council Chambers when a group of protestors staged a die-in. “It was important for us as a group to make that kind of statement as our first statement because as you know Extinction Rebellion is out to do some disruption  and go beyond what has been happening for the past 30 years an unfortunately what has been ineffective.”

On Wednesday XR Denver holds a “funeral for the Earth”, which will have pallbearers carrying coffins as well as other artful props. The funeral will begin at Congresswoman Diana DeGette’s Office and will march to Channel 9 News, and finishing with a die-in at DeGette’s Office.

On Saturday, there will be a disco themed street blockade at Fishback Park in Denver. Visser says that while some people may get arrested as part of the civil disobedience, the entire event will be non-violent.  “People are afraid somewhat that there will be violence but there will be no violence. This organization is one of the most gentle organizations I’ve ever been involved in, but they’re not shy, they’re bold.”

Extinction Rebellion demands first that the Government must tell the truth about the environment and ecological emergency, and must remove all policies not in alignment with that. As well, they want the government to enact legally-binding policies to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2025. The effects of climate change on those who are not responsible for it has caused people to flock to Extinction Rebellion around the globe, vowing to protest until something is done.

Denver joins Extinction Rebellion this week in 38 U.S. Cities and 49 Countries around the globe.


Extinction Rebellions FB live video of the action on Wednesday morning:




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    Extinction Rebellion Hit the Streets of Denver KGNU News




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