People’s Presidential Debate

“The discussion is really especially relevant in this election cycle where there seems to be a growing opposition to establishment politics.” -Christina Tobin, founder of the Free and Equal Elections Foundation.

Each presidential election cycle, American voters are given a choice of only two candidates representing only two parties, which leaves many voters wanting for more options. The Free and Equal Elections Foundation is working towards fixing this issue and will be hosting a debate showcasing presidential candidates outside of the two party system on the University of Colorado campus Tuesday, October 25th.

KGNU’s Maeve Conran speaks with Christina Tobin, the founder of The Free and Equal Elections Foundation about the “United We Stand Festival” being held at Macky Arena. Tobin talks about some of the issues facing non-establishment candidates and how those candidates are separated from the two party system.

“That’s exactly why Free and Equal created the concept of “The People’s Presidential Debate.”

Most Americans are not even aware of the other candidates running for president this year. Free and Equal is having their event on the CU campus in order to reach the younger generation of voters and build towards a more democratized election system in the future.

Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party, Rocky De La Fuente, Independent of the Reform and American Delta Party, and Gloria LaRiva of Party for Socialism and Liberation are scheduled to face-off in the debate.In addition to the debate, the United We Stand Festival will feature other speakers, musical acts, artists, and access to other political activism groups. This is the third time the Free and Equal Elections Foundation has sponsored debates along with 2008 and 2012.


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    People’s Presidential Debate KGNU News


The United We Stand Festival featuring the People’s Presidential Debate will be held at the Macky Arena on the University of Colorado-Boulder campus Tuesday, October 25th from 4pm-10pm with the debate beginning at 7pm. 

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