“We’re Still Here” is a powerful and thought-provoking work inspired by true events at Oak Flat, Arizona. Co-authored by Mesquakie Tribal Elder Alex Walker Jr. and Playwright and Composer Cordelia Zars, this unique musical tells the story of two young leaders who fight to save their homes in the face of a proposed copper mine. Caught in an iconic battle over the identity of American soil, these political enemies form an unlikely bond as their warring communities grapple with cultural preservation, Indigenous rights, and rural poverty in America.
7pm Thus – Friday Nov 24- Dec 2, and Sun Nov 30
2PM Matinees on Sun, Nov 26 and Dec 2.
For a complete list show times, visit: https://thedairy.org/series/empathy-theater-project-presents-were-still-here-a-new-american-musical/
“We’re Still Here” is a powerful and thought-provoking work inspired by true events at Oak Flat, Arizona. Co-authored by Mesquakie Tribal Elder Alex Walker Jr. and Playwright and Composer Cordelia Zars, this unique musical tells the story of two young leaders who fight to save their homes in the face of a proposed copper mine. Caught in an iconic battle over the identity of American soil, these political enemies form an unlikely bond as their warring communities grapple with cultural preservation, Indigenous rights, and rural poverty in America.
7pm Thus – Friday Nov 24- Dec 2, and Sun Nov 30
2PM Matinees on Sun, Nov 26 and Dec 2.
For a complete list show times, visit: https://thedairy.org/series/empathy-theater-project-presents-were-still-here-a-new-american-musical/
“We’re Still Here” is a powerful and thought-provoking work inspired by true events at Oak Flat, Arizona. Co-authored by Mesquakie Tribal Elder Alex Walker Jr. and Playwright and Composer Cordelia Zars, this unique musical tells the story of two young leaders who fight to save their homes in the face of a proposed copper mine. Caught in an iconic battle over the identity of American soil, these political enemies form an unlikely bond as their warring communities grapple with cultural preservation, Indigenous rights, and rural poverty in America.
7pm Thus – Friday Nov 24- Dec 2, and Sun Nov 30
2PM Matinees on Sun, Nov 26 and Dec 2.
For a complete list show times, visit: https://thedairy.org/series/empathy-theater-project-presents-were-still-here-a-new-american-musical/
“We’re Still Here” is a powerful and thought-provoking work inspired by true events at Oak Flat, Arizona. Co-authored by Mesquakie Tribal Elder Alex Walker Jr. and Playwright and Composer Cordelia Zars, this unique musical tells the story of two young leaders who fight to save their homes in the face of a proposed copper mine. Caught in an iconic battle over the identity of American soil, these political enemies form an unlikely bond as their warring communities grapple with cultural preservation, Indigenous rights, and rural poverty in America.
7pm Thus – Friday Nov 24- Dec 2, and Sun Nov 30
2PM Matinees on Sun, Nov 26 and Dec 2.
For a complete list show times, visit: https://thedairy.org/series/empathy-theater-project-presents-were-still-here-a-new-american-musical/